Nearly 60 percent of those who plan to vote in the primaries said they could not support a candidate they didn't agree with on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Eighty-six percent said presidential candidates should be judged on both their political record and their personal life.
Dr. Dobson has taken a beating in the media for promising to vote only for a candidate who shares his basic values, even if that means supporting a third-party candidate.
Last week, he wrote an op-ed piece for The New York Times to clarify his position: "Speaking personally, and not for the organization I represent, I firmly believe that the selection of a president should begin with a recommitment to traditional moral values and beliefs. Those include the sanctity of human life, the institution of marriage, and other inviolable pro-family principles. Only after that determination is made can the acceptability of a nominee be assessed."
Citizen Link
Dr. Dobson further clarified this on Hannity and Colmes last night. Sean Hannity tried to press him, but Dr. Dobson reminded him that "Twenty years ago, I stood in front of 400,000 people in front of the Washington Monument (at the March for Life) and promised NEVER to vote for a candidate that wasn't pro-life". Dr. Dobson is standing firm on principle. So are the majority of Evangelicals. And, according to his gentle chiding of Catholic Hannity, so should Catholics. Guiliani, whose third marriage is not recognized in the Catholic Church may not present himself for communion for that reason AND because of his pro-abortion stance. Yet so many Catholics say they would vote for him. NOT this Catholic!!!
My friend Elizabeth agrees with Dr. Dobson and so do I. If the pro-life movement is to survive, we must get rid of the current top-tier Republican candidates for president. None of them take the rights of the unborn seriously. If we elect a Rudy Guiliani type who thumbs his nose at our movement, we have lost over thirty years of struggle to gain recognition as a political force. And to think, in just 2004, when we swept the Republicans to victory, we were the toast of the town! Even the Dems put up candidates who looked pro-life to defeat Republicans in 2006. And because the Republicans, drunk with power, acted no better than the Democrats, corrupt, money wasting, immoral politicians, they lost to the so-called pro-lifers like Robert Casey Jr. who, Senator Santourum pointed out to me, didn't vote pro-life to uphold the Mexico City Policy. We were used by both parties. This must stop now. NO party owns our vote. We stand on principle, and when forced to as we may be, we have to go our own way.
President Hillary is unthinkable, but so is President Guiliani. How does a twice divorced 'Catholic' who supports homosexual marriage, and partial birth abortion merit our vote? Because he cleaned up Times Square? That was a smart business move, not a moral one. Broadway makes way more money without the sex shops. You can see the money flowing in Times Square today. That makes Guiliani a good mayor, not a moral man.
President Hillary is unthinkable, but so is President Guiliani. How does a twice divorced 'Catholic' who supports homosexual marriage, and partial birth abortion merit our vote? Because he cleaned up Times Square? That was a smart business move, not a moral one. Broadway makes way more money without the sex shops. You can see the money flowing in Times Square today. That makes Guiliani a good mayor, not a moral man.
If you would like to ask Mike Huckabee to visit here in New York, click here and his campaign will count the votes.
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