Michelle Malkin says, "Mr. Buckley’s Firing Line appearances vaulted him into the mainstream cultural stratosphere, but the enduring power of his written words made him an intellectual supernova. He built the Right’s communications infrastructure and laid the groundwork for the New Media. He was an engaged and engaging Renaissance man who joined conservatism and libertarianism, fought statism, and served the Lord–with trademark good humor and joie de vivre."
Whenever some so-called intellectual liberal tries to look down their noses at you because you espouse traditonal moral values, just remind them that William Buckley was a conservative, which proves we've got the heavyweight intellectuals on our side!
Hugh McNichol at Pewsitter had this to say, "Over the past 50 years Mr. Buckley has been a strong advocate for the Catholic right and a strong endorser of Catholic moral, social and ethical principles. While he sported a Conservative label and what seemed almost his trademark - - a wrinkled Brooks Brothers suit -- he was a veracious proponent of conservative values. Perhaps the most valuable loss for all Americans, especially Irish Catholics is his majestic ability to utilize uncommon words and make them part of the vernacular."
You can find a tribute to Bill on National Review Online.
I'll let the ever eloquent Bill Buckley have the last word here:
"I mean to live my life an obedient man, but obedient to God, subservient to the wisdom of my ancestors; never to the authority of political truths arrived at yesterday at the voting booth."
— William F. Buckley
Nov. 24, 1925 – Feb. 27, 2008
Founder of National Review,
leader in the conservative movement
devout Catholic
— William F. Buckley
Nov. 24, 1925 – Feb. 27, 2008
Founder of National Review,
leader in the conservative movement
devout Catholic
Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and those of the faithful departed, rest in peace.
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