Yesterday I had my 19 First Holy Communion students and their families participate in a May crowning in my backyard Mary garden, processing around the yard singing in Spanish,
"Es Maria la blanca paloma,
Es Maria la blanca paloma,
Que ha venido a America
Que ha venido a America
Que ha venido a America
Traer la paz. "
Translation: "It's Mary, the white dove, who has come to America to bring peace."
We then knelt and prayed a decade of the rosary together with the parents in Spanish. Next year, while they are preparing for receiving the Holy Eucharist, they'll learn the rosary in English.
(Maria Von Trapp said, "you will always count and pray in your mother tongue.")
Sorry, I was leading the procession, so there aren't any photos. Here is Isabella offering good example.
Beautiful May altar!
And a beautiful daughter as well!
Judy M.
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