Frances Kissling, the now retired President of Catholics for a Free Choice taunts bishops who have failed to inform her of her excommunication for her outspoken support of abortion all these years, along with Kennedy, Cuomo et al. Is there no bishop out there to comply with her request?!
I think, in her case, they may be doing well to just ignore her. I think she is trying to get some kind of affirmation that she really matters - still - in the world of "reproductive rights". It's sad, really . . . b/c I don't think she does. The people she "speaks" to couldn't care less what the bishops say. So, why feed her ego?
If only I could be Supreme Head of All Things.....I know Our Lord knew what He was doing when He didn't, but just for twenty-four hours maybe.....
I think Monica has a point, she just wants to be made into a martyr, for a publicity stunt.
Uhhhhh...isn't she already excommunicated latae sententiae?
Even if she's not, I say, who cares if this is just a publicity stunt? To publicly declare her excommunication would be THE RIGHT THING. Every time somebody publicly commits a grave sin, nothing is done on the grounds that taking public action will only draw undue attention to the wrongdoer. This is a recipe for moral impotence. It also creates an appearance of weakness that feeds the world's contempt for the Church.
Frankly, I think the Church's public abdication of authority is more harmful than any free publicity this idiot might get out of the exercise of it.
I did say "informing her of her excommunication" because, as it was explained to me when Bishop Bruskewitz, bless him, published a list of those (including members of her organization) who had incurred excommunication ten years ago, he was merely extending them the favor of informing them that their immortal souls were in jeopardy.
He's on my list of brave bishops!When I called his chancery to voice my support, his secretary said the place was so full of congratulatory bouquets, she could hardly work!
Neat bit about Bishop Bruskewitz you added there in your last comment. I am glad he is feeling the support. You remind us how important it is for us to support these Bishops when they put themselves out there to defend the Church.
What a holy man!
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