Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama has Money for Chinese abortions nothing for abstinence

from Citizen Link. . .
Abstinence Education Funding Cut; Population Fund Gets $50M

The U.S. Senate Budget Committee has defeated an amendment that would have saved a place in the 2010 budget for Title V abstinence-education grants.
The monstrous stimulus bill recently passed by Congress curiously left out funding for Title V, which is set to expire June 30.
However, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will be well-funded in the months to come.
The funding was cut under President George W. Bush because of the group's participation in forced abortion and sterilization policies. The Department of State has announced $50 million will go to UNFPA in 2009.
"Americans don't want their money going to an organization which works hand-in-glove with … population control police as they drag women off for forced abortions and forced sterilizations," Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, said in a statement.

What a sense of priorities. My friends who do abstinence education on Long Island, mostly in poor minority-dominated neighborhoods where they are warmly received, are heartbroken. So many lives were turned around, so much hope given to young people caught in the sexualized culture wars. Now we will be paying to kill Chinese babies born and unborn, via the UN Population Fund.

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