Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blasphemous Professor Myers has a host to desecrate

from the Catholic League


Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented on the latest developments to surface regarding the pledge made by Paul Z. Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota, to desecrate the Eucharist:

"Myers was quoted yesterday saying, 'I have to do something. I'm not going to just let this disappear." [Last Friday it was reported that he had acquired a Host.] He continued,'Something will be done. It won't be gross. It won't be totally tasteless, but yeah, Ill do something that shows this cracker has no power.'

'The biology professor made it clear that he would never disrespect Islam the way he does Catholicism. When asked about those who abuse the Koran, for example, he said such an act was analogous to desecrating a graveyard. 'That's completely different,' he said. ' don't favor [that idea].' But when it comes to the Body of Christ, he opines, 'The cracker is completely different.'

"This isn't the first time Myers has shown deference to Islam. For instance, two years ago he was critical of the Danish cartoons that simply depicted an image of Muhammad. 'They [the cartoons] lack artistic or social or even comedic merit, and are presented as an insult to inflame a poor minority.' So now the Planet-of-the-Apes biologist has divined himself an expert on the artistic value of cartoons. So thoughtful of him. He even went so far as to say that Muslims 'have cause to be furious.' (His italic.) Worthy of burning down churches, pledging to behead Christians and shooting a nun in the back, Professor Myers?

"We hope Myers does the right thing and just moves on without further disgracing himself and his university. The letter I received from University of Minnesota President Robert H. Bruininks makes it clear that school officials want nothing to do with his hate-filled remarks. It would also be nice if Myers' fans would cease and desist with their hate-filled screeds."

Contact Professor Paul Z. Myers at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this man just dumb or truly a demon? Seriously.