Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mehmet Ali Agca wants Polish citizenship

The Turkish zealot who shot Pope John Paul II and is in Turkish prison for killing another person, has expressed a desire for Polish citizenship when he is released.
He has chosen Poland because it is country of the pope," Ozhan said. "Because the pope forgave him and paid close attention to him, we believe that the application will be accepted."
Read the entire story here.
I heard that when he had his famous meeting with the Holy Father, he didn't ask for the forgiveness he got from the pontiff, rather he asked him to placate the "goddess of Fatima" (his misunderstanding of Our Lady) whom he feared he had offended. He was afraid that Our Lady of Fatima would seek vengeance!
In 2005, Agca asked for a day's leave from prison(which was denied) to attend John Paul's funeral since he knew that the Third Secret of Fatima was partially fulfilled by his shooting of the pope. He may be a madman, but he is keenly in tune with the prophecies of Fatima. Perhaps he wants to learn more about the Holy Father, and convert. It's a fascinating story of the power holiness to transform others.
Pray for his conversion.

1 comment:

Annie Jeffries said...

What an extraordinary story. So glad I saw this. By the way, I've added you to my Like Minds at Benedict Notes. Blessings, Annie