Forgive us Our Lady, for failing to heed your messages to us in a timely manner, and bring conversion of heart and purity of life to Americans.
"Tell the bishops of the United States, my loyal sons, of my desires and how I wish them to be carried out," The Blessed Virgin Mary told Sister Mary Ephrem, who saw Her with a white veil reaching almost to Her waist and a mantle and robe of pure white with no decoration. An oblong brooch or clasp held the ends of the mantle together at the top. It was all gold, as was the high and brilliant crown she wore. Her hair and eyes seemed medium brown, said Sister Mary Ephrem.
Read the full story here.
HT Spirit Daily
Since we drive up to PEI and back from Tampa each year, I am trying to plot out some shrines, by way of a pilgrimage this year. We have been just booting it along the I95, but noew that the youngest is 7 (and the van is not as crowded with 'big guys') we want to get a little 'extra' out of our yearly treks to and from our 'other' home.
This shrine sounds like a definite stop. We've been finding some wonderful places in a book called "Marian Shrines of the United States-A Pilgrim's Travel Guide" by Czarnopys and Santa.(Liguori)
It sounds like an interesting book. We always try to stop at a shrine in every family vacation. Our favorite so far is the Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine in Fonda, NY, only a five minute drive from the impressive Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, NY. What a powerful witness to our children these shrines were!
In response to a number of inquiries which have been received, the Diocese of Toledo wishes to provide the following clarifications:
References have been made in promotional materials to The Our Lady of America center in Fostoria (Seneca Co.), Ohio. However, it should be noted that the Diocese of Toledo has never been asked to give, nor has it given, any approbation or recognition to the center or its activities.
References have also been made in promotional materials to “The Contemplative Sisters” of Our Lady of the Nativity Convent in Fostoria. It should be pointed out that there is no canonically recognized religious community connected with the center. There is one individual, Patricia Ann Fuller, who identifies herself as Sister Joseph Therese. She is not a member of a canonical institute of consecrated life, having been dismissed from the Society of the Precious Blood community in 1982 after she and two other sisters, now deceased, left the order to live their own contemplative way of life.
Patricia Ann Fuller maintains that she has continued to live as a Religious, and that it is her intention eventually to found a new community of women devoted to the promotion of “Our Lady of America.” At this point, no canonical steps have been requested or taken in this regard. Patricia Ann Fuller has met with Bishop Blair of Toledo and has assured him of her desire to act in full harmony with the Church.
In a letter to the Bishops of the United States dated May 31, 2007, Archbishop Raymond Burke offered his positive assessment of the history and content of devotion to Our Lady of America. The following words of Archbishop Burke have the full endorsement of Bishop Blair of Toledo: “Some have raised with me the canonical question regarding the status of Our Lady of the Nativity Convent in Seneca County, Ohio, which has been the residence of any remaining member of the suppressed contemplative branch of the Congregation of Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In response, I observe that the canonical question has no bearing on the devotion or its approbation.”
September 10, 2008
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