Friday, December 26, 2008

Feast of St Stephen, martyr

Obama and Hillary are about to invade the UN...
Unborn babies in unspeakable danger...
Dear Friend of the Friday Fax,
On this Christmas Eve, I am truly frightened about the battles that will begin in a few short weeks when Barack Obama becomes President and Hillary Clinton becomes US Secretary of States. I know what is about to happen.
I lived through the Clinton years when abortion was pushed relentlessly by the Clintons and their cohorts at the UN. It was awful.
Pro-lifers were outnumbered by 1,000 to one. Pro-lifers were outspent by $1 billion to one.
Pro-life Christians were persecuted by UN officials simply for being present and fighting for the unborn. The nightmare is about to continue and it will be worse than ever before.
Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion president the US has ever known. He will push for abortion in every venue there is. It will be worse at the UN than anywhere else? Why? Because hardly anyone pays attention to the UN. His work will be hidden. This hiddenness will allow Barack to truly be Barack when it comes to distain for the unborn child.
It will be far worse this time because Barack will also become the most pro-UN president the US has ever seen. He and his team believe the US should join the "global consensus" on a whole host of UN social policy issues, most especially abortion. Worse than that, he and his team believe whole-heartedly that the UN is the sovereign power, not the US, not other sovereign states. He and his team are eager to subsume national sovereignty into UN sovereignty. This includes not just US sovereignty, but Australian sovereignty, Canadian sovereignty, Spanish sovereignty and every other national sovereignty on the globe.
But it will be worse this time than during the Clinton years precisely because his UN team will be led by Hillary Clinton, the Grand Dame of UN pro-abortionists. Hillary was literally leader of the pack at the UN during the nineties, and the pack was braying for a right to abortion. We beat them then and they are back for revenge.
This is what will happen. The US will immediately join the European Union and the UN bureaucracy in advancing a woman's so-called right to choose abortion. You can expect the following:
• A new global conference on women's health, maternal health and violence against women. This will be used to advance a universal right to abortion.

• A new global conference celebrating and advancing Cairo+15 (Cairo+10 was largely ignored during the Bush years because pro-aborts feared a loss).
• A new global conference celebrating and advancing Beijing+15 (Beijing+10 was also largely ignored during the Bush years for fear of a loss).
• You will see renewed US funding of the UN Population Fund, the premier UN agency for advancing population control and abortion.
• You will see Obama strike down US laws forbidding abortion funding for groups around the world. This will result in millions of more dollars supporting abortion around the world.
You will see much much more. But here is the good news. C-FAM and the Friday Fax will be there. As much as the Obamas and the Clintons and the UN hate it, we will be there at every meeting. If we can't get into the meeting, we will be sitting in the hallway outside. We will delve in to documents no one else sees. We will meet with diplomats you will never hear of. We will stalk those halls at the UN all day and, if need be, into the night. We will shine our bright light on UN abortion shenanigans when no one else is there. We will tell the truth.

C-FAM and the Friday Fax are uniquely situated to do this work for the global pro-life movement. We have been here for more than ten years. We are the only pro-life group working exclusively on UN matters. It is as if we have been in training for a decade just to meet the challenge of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And we say, bring them on! We are ready. But, we need your help. Right now the Friday Fax costs more than $100,000 a year to produce. This includes salaries, office space, computers, printing and mailing the snail-mail edition, and the cost of sending out emails (yes that costs money, too!). And our expenses are about to go through the roof.
Our hugely successful online petition for the unborn child that so far as netted almost 500,000 names will add a net 200,000+ names to our Friday Fax list. We do not have the money to email that many. Some firms want to charge us $2000 per month to mail that many! Needless to say, we will find a cheaper solution. Still, our costs are about to go much higher. Now is the time to step forward and help the Friday Fax,=2 0the only weekly source of pro-life and pro-family news coming out of UN headquarters in New York City.
Now and over the next five weeks we will be running our bi-annual Friday Fax fund drive. You can go right HERE and give. You can give by credit card over our super-secure server, or you can send us a check (mail instructions HERE). You can also wire us your contribution (instructions HERE).
Now is the time. The Obamas and the Clintons will be backed by billions and billions of dollars. The Friday Fax gets by on a pittance. Still, we and our allies have beaten them before. We can beat them again. But we need you now.
And remember to pray for us, too. This is not just a battle of people but of powers and principalities. We cannot beat them, only He can.
Please help the Friday Fax. We are here. We are ready. We are not afraid.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Austin Ruse of C-FAM

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