Thursday, April 30, 2009

Judge John T. Noonan to replace Mary Ann Glendon as speaker at Notre Dame

According to American Papist, former 9th Circuit Court Judge Noonan who received the Laetre Medal in 1984, wil be the commencement speaker.
It seems as if President Jenkins was really reaching far into the past to find a speaker willing to prop up his controversial stand on Barack Obama.
Here's an excerpt from Jenkin's announcement:
“In thinking about who could bring a compelling voice, a passion for dialogue, great intellectual stature, and a deep commitment to Catholic values to the speaking role of the Laetare Medalist – especially in these unusual circumstances – it quickly became clear that an ideal choice is Judge Noonan,” said Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame. “This commencement ceremony, more than anything else, is a celebration of our students and their families. Judge Noonan will join with President Obama and other speakers in that celebration, sending them from our campus and into the world with sound advice and affirmation.
“Since Judge Noonan is a previous winner of the Laetare Medal, we have decided, upon reflection, to not award the medal this year.”
Well, that is classier than re-gifting the medal to a second best awardee.

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