I remember marching with my diocese to a Planned Barrenhood killing center with our Bishop years ago, and feeling sick at heart to be greeted, from the other side of the forbidding black iron cemetery-like gates, by a female minister, and a Franciscan Friar(he was an Episcopalian from the Little Portion Friary). The abortionists know the power of the clergy, and how to harness it for their evil purposes. Fr Frank Pavone once said that while he was praying outside an abortion mill, someone ran out and yelled at him, "Stop interfering with our SACRAMENT!". The sacrifice of children was part of many pagan and satanic rituals, and we must be aware that abortion is a continuation of this evil ancient tradition. That is why Our Lady of Guadalupe, who overcame the Aztec religion's human sacrifice in Mexico is the perfect patroness of the unborn. This photo of the image of Our Lady was taken the day abortion was legalized in Mexico City and a baby-like light mysteriously appeared which cannot be explained.
UPDATE: Fr Tom Euteneuer(being greeted by a marcher as he awaits an interview with EWTN) has something powerful to say in this essay about the travesty in Schenectady, the March for Life and the death of Heath Ledger.
What I have always said about abortion as a demonic religion was on graphic display in NY as we were marching for life in DC. Two "ministers" came to do the blessing from a "r

The most absurd aspect of the blessing ceremony, however, was when the Rev. Larry Phillips of Schenectady's Emmanuel-Friedens Church led the congregation outside to lay hands on the brick and mortar and to declare that the killing center was "sacred ground." Ugh. The hierarchy (Planned Parenthood), the acolytes (clinic workers), the congregation (supporters) and the ministers were all at the abortion temple that day worshipping the god of abortion. And the demons were so pleased.
HT Catholic Exchange
1 comment:
Hard to read, but most definitely important news to get out. Thanks for your coverage. The devil has got to go down! St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle ...
Domers for Huckabee
Fighting Irish Thomas
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