The National Memorial for the Preborn and Their Mothersand Fathers is now being held in the Senate Hart OfficeBuilding, room 902.
The Hart Bldg. is on 2nd Street NEin Washington, across the street from St. Joseph's.
The general public is asked to be seated by 8:15 AM inroom 902 Senate Hart Office Building. The service willbegin at 8:45 AM.
Metro to the Hart Building: Take the Red Line to UnionStation.
Walk out of Union Station and go left. Walk onthe sidewalk in front of the T. Marshall FederalJudiciary Building and take 2nd street up two blocks.
The Hart Senate Office Building is on the right side.
After this, Gabbi and I will attend Blogs for Life Conference at Family Research Council where we hope to meet Barbara Curtis, blogger extraordinaire over at Mommy Life and recent revert to the Faith.
then the March for Life up Constitution Avenue, and while others are lobbying their representatives, we'll look for some of our friends at the Hyatt Capitol Hill. We dont' bother visiting Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer's offices, as we know the supporters of aboriton hide away until we're gone, and I doubt if my Congressman Tim Bishop will be on hand to greet pro-lifers as his predecessors were. Such are the joys of being a New Yorker!
I expect to see a lot of young people, as reported in this article on the youthfulness of the pro-life movement. Note to Hill and Barak: we're here, we're young, and we're not going anywhere!
The Hart Bldg. is on 2nd Street NEin Washington, across the street from St. Joseph's.
The general public is asked to be seated by 8:15 AM inroom 902 Senate Hart Office Building. The service willbegin at 8:45 AM.
Metro to the Hart Building: Take the Red Line to UnionStation.
Walk out of Union Station and go left. Walk onthe sidewalk in front of the T. Marshall FederalJudiciary Building and take 2nd street up two blocks.
The Hart Senate Office Building is on the right side.
After this, Gabbi and I will attend Blogs for Life Conference at Family Research Council where we hope to meet Barbara Curtis, blogger extraordinaire over at Mommy Life and recent revert to the Faith.
then the March for Life up Constitution Avenue, and while others are lobbying their representatives, we'll look for some of our friends at the Hyatt Capitol Hill. We dont' bother visiting Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer's offices, as we know the supporters of aboriton hide away until we're gone, and I doubt if my Congressman Tim Bishop will be on hand to greet pro-lifers as his predecessors were. Such are the joys of being a New Yorker!
I expect to see a lot of young people, as reported in this article on the youthfulness of the pro-life movement. Note to Hill and Barak: we're here, we're young, and we're not going anywhere!
Leticia ... we will be praying for your trip. How wonderful! I wish I could go as well. Here is a letter I left for Mike Huckabee on mikehuckabee.com today. I thought you might like it. :)
Dear Mike Huckabee … I, like the rest of your supporters, was heavily disappointed over last night’s results in South Carolina. John McCain, a 71-year-old “OLD warhorse” with no strong “life” issues to his credit, would not surpass the Dems for the top position of commander in chief, unless he resurrected Ronald Reagan himself to run as his veep.
Now, I’m a believer in “hope,” which means I have not given up on your quest for the nomination, but at this point in time, you need all the help you can get from not only Christ Almighty, Our Savior and Redeemer, but His most glorious Mother, Mary. You also need to draw upon the prayers of the aborted, even though this may not be a Southern Baptist practice. Keep in mind, if Mitt Romney had to give away one dollar for every dead baby that has been the result of legalized abortion over the past 35 years in America, he would be a poor man overnight. That’s a lot of prayers, Gov. Mike, that you would be invoking if you do call upon the most-powerfully-innocent unborn babes in Heaven to intercede for you. One of those babies is my own, and I will continue to fight to the end, to eliminate the atrocious full disregard for human life that abortion brings not only directly to the child within its mother’s womb, but indirectly to the mother herself. Remember, governor & pastor, if you go down fighting wholeheartedly for the rights of the unborn in the name of Christ Jesus, you can only finish the race victorious.
(Woe to the pro-lifer who does not endorse and vote for you.)
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for Michael Huckabee and his team!
Jeanette O’Toole
(Daily Mass Roman Catholic and wife of Fighting Irish Thomas)
Domers for Huckabee
Tom had the opportunity to respond to the letter I sent to Mike Huckabee this morning. Here's the link.
You are in my prayers!
Coincidentally, my first (a boy!) is due to be born (although he's really going to come whenever he feels like it, not necessarily on his due date) on the 22nd. Interesting timing ;)
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