According to recent convert Jenifer Fulwweiler of Et Tu in her well-written article in Inside Catholic.
"In an interactive medium, falsehoods are called out, bad or incomplete ideas collapse under the weight of cross-examination, and anyone honestly seeking the truth will recognize it when they see it. Whatever our belief systems, we can't isolate ourselves online the way we can in real life. In my case that meant that instead of being affirmed in my beliefs by my atheist friends, I bumped into Christians and was forced to confront their ideas in a way I'd never had to before. Over and over again I noticed that it was only the Christians -- and Catholics in particular -- whose belief system didn't crack under the pressure of a flood of tough questions."
I began this blog in 2006 as an effort to evangelize with the truth, and it's edifying to see that hearts and minds are indeed being reached through the internet, and blogs in particular(see the comments). It's also a reminder to be intellectually honest, and a good example of charity.
God is using all mediums to get through to people these days. We must be true and honest witnesses to our faith wherever He puts us!
Thanks for giving us more hope, Leticia!
I think more and more good souls need to get online and make the internet a place of Good News! Let's pray that this is already happening and that many good seeds will start to bear fruit! God bless!
My sentiments exactly, Padre!
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