In addition, we plan to work with several youth groups, Pro-Life groups, college students, and young adults. As the pilgrimage proceeds from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., these groups and individuals, we will evangelize people and engage their peers in the surrounding cities and towns by holding events about family-marriage-life matters, with particular focus upon purity, chastity, Theology of the Body, and community service. These groups and individuals will also inform people about the various speakers and locations of the walking preaching Tour.

Our purpose is to evangelize Americans about the Catholic mission to build a "Civilization of Love" through "The Culture of Life," at the heart of which are the following issues: the sanctity of the family, marriage, human life, corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We believe that spreading the Catholic principles of purity, chastity and Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, through corporal and spiritual works of mercy are a critical part of restoring the dignity of the human person in the consciousness of our culture. This task is vital to our ultimate goal which is to lead others to participate in the Church's mission to save as many lives and souls as possible.
Click on these linkd to learn more, and certainly lift up this pilgrimage in prayer and fasting.
General Description
Novena Prayer for Solidarity August 3-11, 2007
Some Ways Young People Can Participate
Talks That Will Be Given On The Tour
Walk Route and Daily Itinerary
Pope John Paul II Quotes from WYD Denver 1993
Evangelium Vitae
Possible Ways to Financially Assist the Tour
Links To Our Friends Websites
Contact Us
General Description
Novena Prayer for Solidarity August 3-11, 2007
Some Ways Young People Can Participate
Talks That Will Be Given On The Tour
Walk Route and Daily Itinerary
Pope John Paul II Quotes from WYD Denver 1993
Evangelium Vitae
Possible Ways to Financially Assist the Tour
Links To Our Friends Websites
Contact Us
Prayer for Renewal of Consecration of The United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Most Holy Trinity: Our Father in Heaven, who chose Mary as the fairest of your daughters; Holy Spirit, who chose Mary as Your spouse; God the Son, who chose Mary as Your Mother; in union with Mary, we adore your majesty and acknowledge Your supreme, eternal dominion and authority.
Most Holy Trinity, we put the United States of America into the hands of Mary Immaculate in order that she may present the country to you. Through her we wish to thank you for the great resources of this land and for the freedom, which has been its heritage. Through the intercession of Mar

Mary, Immaculate Virgin, Our Mother, Patroness of our land, we praise you and honor you and give our country and ourselves to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. O’ Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced by the sword of sorrow prophesized by Simeon save us from degeneration, disaster and war. Protect us from all harm. O’ Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who bore the sufferings of your Son in the depths of your heart be our Advocate. Pray for us, that acting always according to your will and the Will of your Divine Son, we may live and die pleasing to God.
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