Hansen called the Time story a “long overdue recognition of the growth and impact of pregnancy centers."
"We’re encouraged to see the society at large take notice and ask tough questions," she said.
There are more than 2,300 pregnancy centers across the United States -- significantly more than the number of abortion businesses. Unlike abortion facilities, these centers help pregnant women with baby and maternity resources, parenting classes, adoption, medical and educational needs."
I would change that to numerous examples of bias, they allowed the pro-aborts to get away with all sorts of ridiculous statements, such as the whopper by the abortion clinic owner who,' turns away women who are unsure they want abortions'. Puuleeeeze!!
A recent statistic states that the majority of womena feel coerced into having an abortion, not necessarily by economics, but by loved ones. No one interviewed brought up the possibility of adoption, so underused as an option, that the average wait for adopting a white infant can be ten years. How many women go public saying they wish they'd aborted, versus those who regret their abortions? The best thing about this article is that it shows we have pro-aborts on the run, or they wouldn't have enlisted TIME to schill for them. Already crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion mills in this country. Truth will win out, as it did in the case of slavery. Here is a small example from my life.
I have two of the larger fetal models pictured on the magazine cover in my purse, of two different races, in case the subject of abortion comes up. Once, at the Baptism party of the sixth child of friends, I sat across the table from a 'zero-population growth' couple, who were aghast at such an affront to Planned Parenthood's marching orders.
Meanwhile, my daughter Isabella, who was 4 at the time, was playing 'baby' with the fetal model, giving 'Freddie', as we called him, a sip of tea. The woman was caught up watching her, and grew very quiet. I believe she learned a lesson in the humanity of the unborn that day.
And a little child shall lead them. . . .
Yeah, you could feel the positive words really sticking in the writer's craw. But it wasn't a hack job, which makes it an improvement.
What a sweet story about Isabella and "Freddy". I wish I knew what was running through that woman's mind at the time, but that's between her and God.
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