"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a US Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it." (Joan Vennochi, "Romney’s Revolving World," The Boston Globe, 3/2/06)
2001: Mitt Romney was not pro-choice flip
"I do not wish to be labeled pro-choice." (Mitt Romney, Letter to the Editor, The Salt Lake Tribune, 7/12/01)
2002: Mitt Romney was again pro-choice flop
"I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose. This choice is a deeply personal one … Women should be free to choose based on their own beliefs, not mine and not the government's." (Stephanie Ebbert, "Clarity Sought On Romney’s Abortion Stance," The Boston Globe, 7/3/05)
2007: Mitt Romney acknowledges he was "effectively pro-choice," but says he "was always for life." flip-flop
January 2007: "Over the last multiple years, as you know, I have been effectively pro-choice." (Bruce Smith, "Romney Campaigns in SC with Sen. DeMint," The Associated Press, 1/29/07)
February 2007: "I am firmly pro-life… I was always for life." (Jim Davenport, "Romney Affirms Opposition to Abortion," The Associated Press, 2/9/2007) huh?
"Mitt Romney’s flip flops are enough to make John Kerry blush," Brownback for President Campaign Manager Rob Wasinger said. "It is absurd of Mitt Romney to compare himself to Senator Brownback on the right to life issue."
It's early in the game, let's get rid of all Culture of Death (COD) politicians now! Let's have a real, viable alternative to the liberal Democrats!
Oh, I hope there is one. Problem is, I don't see anyone who is womb to tomb culture of life. I fear for our society.
Oh, I hope there is one. Problem is, I don't see anyone who is womb to tomb culture of life. I fear for our society.
Robk please scroll down to the ringing endorsement Fr. Pavone gives to Senator Sam Brownback's Presidential bid. I have never seen him endorse a candidate before, so, for me, that's a pro-life Imprimatur.
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