Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gay choir directors and the Catholic Church

Creative Minority Report has a story on an openly gay choir director who was fired from a Catholic parish.
I have just received word about a similar situation in the troubled parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Massapequa Park, Long Island. Peter Rapanaro, the new choir director was the director of the play, "My Big Gay Italian Wedding," the off-Broadway production which Rapanaro directed in 2003, revolves around two gay men, one Italian and the other Polish, who get married in a Catholic church with a priest upon the insistence of the Italian mother, and is replete with pedophile priest jokes, references to sodomite sex, and vile language.
9/24 UPDATE since I've become the target of hateful emails. The comments in blue are from the website "Modern Priest" and do not necessarily relflect my opinion I will state, however that Peter Rapanaro is in no way appropriate to work anywhere near a Catholic Church on the basis of his play production, "My Big Gay Italian Wedding" which you can view scenes from on YouTube through this link. Warning: the video contents are sexually explicit. I stopped watching it in disgust.
There are no words to express my sorrow at this outrage. . .
HT Modern Priest


Anonymous said...

Way to connect the dots, Leticia!

It's time we started talking about this problem along with the problem of Catholic pro-abortion politicians.

I wasn't aware of the other story from Creative Minority Report. That's encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Who are you to chastise? Are we not all one in God's eyes? These comments are outragous and erronious. At least he is not mosleting children as many priests have and probably still are.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (if that IS your real name),

Please let us know which portions of this story are erroneous.

If we're lowering the bar of acceptable behavior to "not molesting children", then that's just sad. Priests who abuse their positions of authority should be defrocked and jailed. This doesn't mean all sin, especially publicly unrepentant sin, should be ignored, much less celebrated.

Induction into the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, the honor Mr. Rapanaro is receiving, is "reserved solely for those practicing the shared faith with the Sovereign Pontiff his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI".

Tell me, please, how a man who promotes homosexual activity and gay marriage is practicing the shared faith of our Holy Father.

If this were truly an example of "shared faith", I'd be looking for a church which follows God's word.

Anonymous said...

Get a life!