In a case that some are calling the "Roe v. Wade of Europe," Ireland's abortion ban is being hauled before the European Court of Human Rights by three Irish women who traveled to Britain to obtain abortions. Claiming their "rights" were violated by Ireland's pro-life law, these women are pressing to bring abortion-on-demand to the Emerald Isle. With the help of FRC and the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), Irish officials will have some overseas help defending the ban. This week, the court granted us permission to intervene as a third party. We're proud to be working with ADF in a case of such international importance. As ADF's Benjamin Bull said, "This case is not only pivotal to Europe; it's pivotal to America. With greater frequency, the U.S. Supreme Court looks across the ocean to see what other countries are doing when considering its own cases."
That's exactly what will happen if Obama wins. We will become subject to the will of International Courts. Not to mention the radical justices that will be appointed to the Supreme Court.
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