Thursday, April 05, 2012

HHS Study Proves Abstinence Ed Works; blocked by Obama

Rick Santorum describes his "Made in America" economic plan. 
My daughter Gabriela is attending a local Community College to pick up her pre-nursing requirements. Among the required courses is Developmental Psychology. As a former Social Work and Psychology major, I warned her that these professors are likely to be liberal ideologues. I was right, the other day, her prof was railing against abstinence programs which 'don't work'. She did not offer her students one shred of evidence to prove her point, but continually insisted that abstinence education and chastity rings are a waste of time. To her credit, my daughter raised her hand and said "I took a vow of chastity and wear a ring". The professor was stunned at her admission and apologized for insulting her, but did not acknowledge that she has a point. I would wager that no one has EVER had the audacity to contradict this position in class before! I am so proud of my daughter, for her outspokenness, and her intelligent decision to follow not only the teachings of the Church, but the smart way to keep her future bright. She is a winner!
Science is of course on the side of those who recommend abstinence until marriage. Liberals may know this, but they'd rather die than admit it, and anyone who dares say it is vilified and humiliated. I was when I dared speak up for abstinence in a public high school on Long Island in 1995 where a good number of my poor minority students were pregnant or post-abortive. I saw firsthand the devastating effect of sexuality on young people whose lives were challenging enough in the ghetto, just getting to school safely and finding a quiet place to study after school. Now thanks to the impact of Planned Parenthood in the schools and on the minds of their social workers and teachers, they were dealing with babies, emotional breakups, the physical and emotional wreckage of post abortion syndrome. No wonder so few graduated high school!

Forty eight news outlets were at St Anselm at Sanorum's talk. 
An excellent article confirms the efficacy of abstinence education from Life Site News:

The study’s success reassured Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA). “This new study adds to 22 other peer reviewed studies showing SRA [Sexual Risk Avoidance] education has a positive impact on student sexual behavior,” she said. “This rigorous research design adds an important exclamation point to the efficacy of abstinence-centered education.
Meanwhile, researchers say the Obama administration stonewalled releasing another report that showed abstinence attitudes positively impact teens. In 2009, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), funded a study of more than 1,000 young people aged 12-18 but refused to release the results until 2011, even following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. It found that parental and peer attitudes do more to shape teens’ views of sex and abstinence than “adolescent exposure to sex and abstinence topics in a class or program.”
“Their anti-abstinence position is just as political, if not more so, than the pro-abstinence position of conservatives,” Sprigg told LifeSiteNews. “The liberals often claim it is conservatives who are anti-science, but when the research and the science goes against their ideological position, they are very eager to suppress the findings.”
“Anyone who opposes SRA abstinence-centered education must be honest in their antagonism,” Huber stated. “They can no longer say that the approach ‘doesn’t work,’ but must admit that their opposition is simply an ideological distaste for programs that encourage teens to wait for sex.”

Leticia in front of ABC news debate set in NH in January. 
Rick Santorum, during an economic summit at St Anselm College last January, pointed out what this article maintains, that abstinence education works, but it is being suppressed by the Obama Administration. Forty eight news outlets were present, none of which reported on his hour long treatise on economics, instead focusing on this topic, leveling vicious criticism on him for pointing out that abstinence lead to healthy marriages and families, strong families lead to a healthy economy. Thus he became a lightning rod for vitriol from the left and unjustly branded as a fire-breathing wing nut within  the GOP establishment.
Santorum was merely insightful and courageous enough to point out the obvious, the root problem in this nation is the wreckage caused by the sexual revolution, a dependency society created when 41%of  our nation's children are born out of wedlock, compared to 5% in 1960. He too used science to bolster his point, citing a Brookings Institute Study that linked poverty with out of wedlock births. 
Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates were 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites. Every year one million more children are born into fatherless families. If we have learned any policy lesson well over the past 25 years, it is that for children living in single-parent homes, the odds of living in poverty are great. The policy implications of the increase in out-of-wedlock births are staggering.
The Brookings Institute is liberal, but even they acknowledge that the soaring illegitimacy rate could be reversed by eliminating contraception and abortion, though that idea is quickly rejected. Yet here a liberal think tank is agreeing with so called right wing ideologue. Rick Santorum Interesting.
But as my daughter and I have found, woe to the teacher, student or politician who sees the solution to poverty in anything other than another government entitlement program, he or she can expect to be destroyed by both sides of the press. Only those who have the courage to view the facts of the destruction of society as a result of contraception and abortion encouraging reckless sexual promiscuity.

Read the entire article in Life Site News.

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