Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bishop D'Arcy not letting Notre Dame Controversy Rest

"The real question posed by the situation is whether or not a Catholic university has a responsibility to give a public witness to the faith, D'Arcy states. "If not, what is the meaning of a life of faith? And how can a Catholic institution expect its students to live by faith in the difficult decisions that will confront them in a culture often opposed to the Gospel?" he wonders.

"In its decision to give its highest honor to a president who has repeatedly opposed even the smallest legal protection of the child in the womb, did Notre Dame surrender the responsibility that Pope Benedict believes Catholic universities have to give public witness to the truths revealed by God and taught by the church?" the bishop also asks."

Bishop D'Arcy will have the lead article onthis subject in this month's America magazine. Good for him for keeping this scandal from being buried in Obama's attempt to court Catholics for his Health Care Proposal.
Read the entire story at CNA.

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