This lovely ad is causing controversy in Britain. It's a tragically true sign of the Culture of Death when not only he Cross of Christ, but the Babe Himself becomes a stumbling block.
Come Lord Jesus!
An ecumenical non-profit in England has come under fire for their upcoming Advent campaign designed to put Christ back into Christmas. Their crime? Creating billboards and posters that show a baby Jesus as an ultrasound, with a halo. The ads, created byChurchAds.net say: “He’s on His way. Christmas starts with Christ.”Read Tim Drake's entire post at the NC Register blog.

Bother me? Absolutely not. Bother them? With this image, they cannot deny that there is a baby. It is more than a blob of tissue.
I wish it were on billboards worldwide!!
is it supposed to be baby jesus with a Halo? im missing the advert and i find it confusing.
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