The interview was conducted by Tim Drake who was instrumental in bringing the problems with Bishop Kicanans to the fore. I give him credit for helping urge the bishops to elect Dolan. Here is a question from his National Catholic Register report.
Can you address health-care and the possible funding of abortion in the health-care reform bill?
I am highly appreciative of the summary that Cardinal Francis George gave yesterday, which was downright eloquent. I admired the way he handled it.
The bishops of the U.S. are in somewhat of a delicate position in that we have been promoting comprehensive health care, but it wasn’t comprehensive, in that a precious part of those deserving care — those being unborn babies — weren’t receiving it. The bishops were cogent in expressing that.
Cardinal George was so articulate — as was Pope John Paul II — in telling us that although we’re political in the best sense of the word, we’re not partisan. The bishops of the U.S. are not partisan; we are pastors and teachers.
Read the entire interview at the NC Register Blog.

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