Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Motherhood is not allowed at Women Deliver Conference

Women Deliver is proported to be a conference which promotes safety in childbirth. Yet, when a pariticipating group passed out pink bags which said "Celebrate Motherhood" they were collected and thrown away.
 So much for free speech.
Volunteers with the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) spent about an hour on the sidewalk outside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center handing out pink “Celebrate Motherhood!” bags to conference participants. The bags included a small fetal model and some basic statistics comparing legal abortion and maternal mortality rates.

But pro-lifers learned that the bags were being confiscated by conference organizers inside the building.
One attendee who received a bag told LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) that she was interrogated in an intimidating manner by an organizer who said that "you need to throw away" any pink bag handed out by the "anti-woman" demonstrators, because "they're trying to ruin our conference."

However, one pro-life volunteer said that the aggressive approach taken by conference staff may have been for the better: when attendees, including UN delegates, asked about the confiscated material in clear plastic bags, they were told by pro-lifers that the materials could not be handed out because "they don't want you to have this information."

Read the entire story at Life Site News.

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1 comment:

Mike in CT said...

I wonder, what authority did they have to confiscate from conference attendees what would at that point have been their personal property?