This is the hope of every Catholic who is suffering religious persecution in Communist China's prisons, those who fear for their lives and are martyred in Muslim nations, and we who suffer disdain from family and friends for our 'fanaticism'as we try to live our Faith authentically in a hostile culture.
An example of this courageous faith is the marty

Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro, SJ, was ministering secretly to the common man, the truck drivers, the miners, and families. He gave Communion to hundreds everyday, in secret, and never lost his sense of humor when in danger. Eventually, he, and his brothers Humberto and Roberto were arrested, and they witnessed his martyrdom.
When Miguel was led to the firing squad, he knelt, said his Act of Contrition, spread out his arms tin the form of a cross, and said, "Que Viva Cristo Rey!" (Long live Christ the King!)
Human Life International has a minisite devoted to Miguel Pro.http://www.hli.org/miguel_pro/
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