Now is the time to gather all of those funeral-prayer-cards with the names of deceased family members and friends that may be in your dresser draw. Find a prayer for poor souls, like the prayer of Saint Gertrude which has a big indulgence attached to it for your loved ones. Maybe a holy picture of Our Lady bringing relief to the poor souls in purgatory, and a votive candle. On the night of All Souls my husband reads aloud every name from the funeral-prayer-cards, and t

hen we pray the St. Gertrude prayer for them and light the votive candle. We keep all of this on our dinning room table like a little shrine for the whole month of November, since it is set aside by the church as the month of all souls. We do not read the names every night, but add "May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace" prayer to our table blessing.
I hope this post was helpful.
God bless,Tracey
This is absolutely beautiful.
This is one of my favorite ideas, Leticia! Thank you for posting the instructions!
This is a nice idea. Thanks for sharing it.
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