I've recently discovered country music, no small feat in the suburbs of New York, where your nearest country station is Connecticut. I like the ballad style, the family stories, and the unabashed religious faith expressed in many of the songs. A recent favorite is "That's What I Like About Sundays" where the singer describes the simple pleasures of a well-observed Sunday, complete with Church, fellowship, Sunday papers, and a leisurely family dinner.
This Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful example of this; the day began with our friends, Tracey and Rick Bellucci and their four children coming to a Knights of Columbus Communion breakfast, with my favorite speaker, Monsignor McDonald, described the outstanding job he's doing as rector of the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. Then we attended Mass at our parish, St. John's, followed by a long, chatty visit at my house over homemade macaroni sauce, chicken parmigiana, and good red wine. The kids had a great time playing and reading stories, and the adults got a chance to swap homeschooling stories, and family news. We ended a satisfying day with coffee, and Tracey's homemade 'chipwiches', and promised to see each other soon.
Now THAT'S what I love about Sundays!
1 comment:
I was so sad when the NY country station went down. Our families both live in northern NJ. We're thanking God for satellite radio these days as we travel north to visit.
Did I see a kid in an Eagles shirt in one of the photos, more recent than this post? For a minute I thought you were in my neighborhood!
Good to discover your blog.
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