Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King spoke today at Nassau Community College as a representative of Priests for Life "Silent No More" awareness campaign. She told of growing up in her activist family. Her father, Dr.King's brother was assassinated, and her home in Birmingham burned down when Dr. King's was. She was unfairly arrested as a teenager for advocating integrated housing.
She told of straying from her childhood faith and morality, and the traumatic effects that her two abortions, have had on her health and her family life. She was divorced twice, and is alone now, but still has had six children. She is healed now, has recovered her faith, and offers the same healing for women who have suffered abortions, to discuss the pain and come out of their isolation. It was a moving speech, and I taped it, hoping to share it here, as soon as I can learn to upload videos.
We introduced her to Christina, since she has a special place in her heart for disabled children, and said that many times, young mothers are pressured into unfairly ending their lives.