Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why Santorum is a lightning rod and a savior

It is painfully clear why the liberal left hates Rick Santorum; its his stand on moral issues. But where does that visceral hatred originate? It goes way beyond partisanship, to deep emotional wounds which are the consequences of the very sexual immorality he opposes.Otherwise there would be opposition to him but not hatred. And sadly I don't believe its limited to the left. I think millions of Republicans have hatred for him because he occupies the high moral ground which they have ceded to the culture of death and they, instead of seeking healing by supporting him, are trying to silence his voice.

Most of this is a result of the pain caused by abortion. It is said that forty percent of women have had an abortion in the USA, many of them repeat abortions. This is creating untold, unspoken, buried suffering in millions of women and men, and it makes me angry. I am not so angry at those who have had abortions, many of them were lied to, told there was no baby, it would not affect them any more than an appendectomy, that their problems would be solved, or in the case of special needs children, that they were being good parents and sparing their children suffering. I am angry at those whose livelihood require perpetuating this lie. Like the Planned Parenthood reps who invaded the public high schools in minority neighborhoods where I taught to encourage sexual promiscuity with a wink, knowing that such activity would lead these youths into the abortion mill where Planned Parenthood makes its living. According to an article in the Star Exponent on Bella Santorum and abortion;

British Journal of Psychiatry contains the research findings of Prof. Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D. of Bowling Green State University entitled, “Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009”.
Dr. Coleman concludes that: “Based on data extracted from 22 studies, the results of this meta-analytic review of the abortion and mental health literature indicate quite consistently that abortion is associated with moderate to highly increased risks of psychological problems subsequent to the procedure…Overall, the results revealed that women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems"

So many Republicans have not been living up to those moral ideals held by Santorum, and are suffering the regret and denial which post-abortive women and men suffer, but instead of seeking healing, they are shooting the messenger, moral issue candidate Rick Santorum with a long, faithful marriage and eight children (one of whom Gabriel has left this world for heaven). Most of his fellow Catholics are using forbidden contraception, and hate Santorum for correctly stating that is is the cause of abortion in this nation. The great majority of abortions are performed on women whose contraception has failed, in fact the Supreme Court used our dependence on contraception as an excuse for abortion according to Professor Janet Smith;

Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the recent Supreme Court decision that confirmed Roe v. Wade, stated, "in some critical respects abortion is of the same character as the decision to use contraception . . . . for two decades of economic and social developments, people have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail."

So, I firmly believe that there is a large, but silent group of Republicans and Catholics who know Santorum is right on abortion and marriage but that to endorse him would mean they would have to face their own moral failures, choose instead to support Newt whose serial adulteries and three marriages make them feel more comfortable or Mitt whose liberal past makes his protestations of moral conservatism laughable.

Rush Limbaugh once said, after Bill Clinton was elected that we get the candidate we deserve. He was referring to Clinton's addictive womanizing which he covered up by perjury which brought on his impeachment, and lowered the moral tone of the nation. My homeschooled Catholic children know what oral sex is thanks to Bill Clinton. Now we have a president who is mandating birth control coverage by Catholic institutions, and soon abortions will be forced upon them as well either causing them to cave in and cease being a light in the darkness or close their doors. Obama had a slight majority of the Catholic vote, and useful Catholic idiots like Biden, Pelosi, Doug Kmiec and Chris Matthews on his side. Once again, we got the immoral president we deserve.

Do we deserve Rick Santorum? Perhaps not, but I have hope that the Obama Administration's arrogance and recent overreaching may yet awakened the sleeping giant of Catholic conscience, and remind us that the only candidate who reflects our all important moral values was just off the campaign trail to be at his daughter Bella Maria's bedside in the hospital this weekend.

We are at a crossroads. This may be our last chance to try and regain the family structure and moral stability on which American was built. We cannot afford the social programs required by the social and economic chaos created by the rampant promiscuity in America :welfare, prisons, subsidized contraception and abortion, and food stamps to replace responsible, married love and solid moral character supported by good parenting.Rush Limbaugh in a transcript from his show, admits Santorum is right on the link between social and economic issues.

I have the greatest admiration for Santorum. He had a statement or debate, somebody, a think tank person, Brookings or whatever, something like three things -- it might not have been Brookings, but some think tank -- three things you could do that take care of income inequality, that take care of cultural rot, and they were all family-oriented type issues, and one of them was don't have kids before you get married. It's amazing when you look at the numbers of single-parent households, out of wedlock births. If you look at that definition, if you accept it as a sign of the disintegration of culture, the family breakup, it is amazing. Santorum is right.
Santorum offers us a way out; support the family and restore moral, civil and financial order. Are we wise enough and moral enough to take him up on it?

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