Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Santorum cares deeply about unemployment

There have been a lot of headlines from the Mainstream Media saying "Santorum doesn't care about unemployment numbers". It is just NOT TRUE!
 Its a case of a sound bite being taken out of context. Last night, Rick was on Greta Van Susteren's show and said that the unemployment numbers were caused by too much government interference in the economy and that was the reason the unemployment  numbers were high. He said he didn't care about what the numbers were in November, because even if they go down, the underlying problem of too much government control eroding our freedoms will remain if we re-elect Obama.This must be our focus, regardless of what the numbers are in November.
Rick is anticipating that the Obama Administration will fix the unemployment statistics in time to get him re-elected without eliminating one economy-choking regulation. As it is, the unemployment numbers are doctored to look better, deliberately leaving out those, like me, who have given up on finding a job. I have heard it said that the true unemployment rate is somewhere in the 20% range,  counting those who have given up on finding work. That is the context of his saying he 'doesn't care about unemployment numbers'.
The Obama Administration is expert at covering up the real agenda, increasing government control over every aspect of our lives, with ridiculous overreach like  forcing schoolchildren to undergo lunch inspection while the  administration ignores true risks to children by allowing hardcore pornography on the Internet, defying existing laws. Obama wants to force the Catholic Church and its institutions to pay for abortificacient drugs while they withdraw federal healthcare funds for women from Texas because they passed a mandatory sonogram law which gives women a chance to be informed about what abortion is before she does it.
The Obama spin machine is run by his allies in the New York Times, et al, and is desperate to cover up an abysmal record on the economy, rampant overspending, and his ignoring the financial stress of Americans while he pursues his Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell, George Soros, Jeremiah Wright inspired agenda. Socialism is his goal, and destruction of capitalism is his means to achieve that goal. What will he do in a second term if he is this radical when he knows he will have to be re-elected?
Rick Santorum is the candidate who understands the principal of subsidiarity, the most local level of government possible should be in charge; for example local school boards runs schools better than bloated DC bureaucracies, and parents are the best educators of their children in matters of nutrition and morality.
Rick comes from Western PA a formerly depressed area of the country, which has been experiencing a revival, he wants his Made in American plan to revive American manufacture and bring jobs back from China.
Rick wants to give us the freedom to prosper and raise our families in peace w-thout the nanny state.

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