More than half (55 percent) of white evangelical Republicans said they would consider voting for a third-party candidate if former Mayor Rudy Giuliani wins the Republican presidential primary.
More than half (55 percent) of white evangelical Republicans said they would consider voting for a third-party candidate if former Mayor Rudy Giuliani wins the Republican presidential primary. That's according to a survey from the Pew Research Center.
Giuliani leads most national polls, but his views on abortion and same-sex "marriage" do not line up with many conservatives.
Dr. James C. Dobson has said repeatedly he could not support a nominee who does not value life.
In an op-ed piece in The New York Times, Dr. Dobson wrote: "Speaking personally, and not for the organization I represent, I firmly believe that the selection of a president should begin with a recommitment to traditional moral values and beliefs. Those include the sanctity of human life, the institution of marriage, and other inviolable pro-family principles. Only after that determination is made can the acceptability of a nominee be assessed."
HT Citzen Link
Now, the milllion dollar question is: will Catholics show this type of wisdom? According to Bill Donohue at his address at the Society for Catholic Social Scientists, there has formed a strong coalition between moral conservative from Evagelical Protestant, Orthodox Jews, and observant Catholics, which may be the hope for this nation's future.
We just may bring this country back from the edge of the precipice of disaster, IF we are united in our insistence on a pro-life, pro-marriage presidential candidate.
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