As expected, yesterday's Senate votes over the 2008 Foreign Operations spending bill turned into an abortion showdown over the inclusion of the Mexico City policy. Although the policy--which bars the U.S. from funding any organization that performs or promotes overseas abortion--dates back to the Reagan years, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) led the charge to abolish it. In the end, her efforts to strip the Mexico City policy from the bill prevailed by a 53-41 vote. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) responded quickly with an amendment of his own to strike the language, but it failed by the same 12-vote margin. Unfortunately, Boxer's amendment is considered even more extreme than the House version. In keeping with his promise, President Bush yesterday reminded Senate liberals that theirs is not the final word on the Mexico City policy. The White House issued a statement renewing the President's vow to veto any bill that weakens America's laws on abortion. We applaud President Bush for consistently putting innocent human life first--even when it means postponing legislation that his administration wants passed.If Democrats carry off the Presidency, millions of babies worldwide will die. If Rudy Guiliani wins, the exact same thing will happen.
Why is he still leading in the polls? Because Catholics and pro-lifers are asleep!! Here's proof:Although the media seem intent on downplaying the influence of social conservatives in the upcoming election, a recent poll by Fabrizio McLaughlin Associates points to just how misled those assumptions are. The study, "An Elephant Looks in the Mirror 10 Years Later," discussions the transformation of the Republican Party in the last 10 years and makes the statistical case that not
only do values issues play a key role in the GOP platform, but values voters make up 51% of the party. Twenty-seven percent, by their classification, are "focused" on moral issues--and another 24%, the "Moralists," have a "laser-like focus" on moral issues. The reality is, a majority of the GOP are values voters. For candidates to ignore these social issues is for them to ignore the single-largest group in the Republican Party. They do so at their own risk. The reason Rudy Giuliani (R) continues to do well in polling data is that most Americans don't know where he stands on these issues. However, where voters perceive him to stand in his faith is another survey altogether. The Pew Forum's latest poll found that the statistical front-runners in both parties, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Rudy Giuliani (R), are both considered the "least religious" by those surveyed. On the other hand, Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is considered "very religious" by 46%, followed by Sen. John McCain (R) at 18%.Interestingly, the poll didn't account for all candidates, which excludes those whom many would view as the most religious, including Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) and Gov. Mike Huckabee (R). In the end, though, most voters would agree that how important the candidates' faith seems to be isn't half as important as how closely they live by it
Let's hope that Sam Brownback's participation in the
Values Voter's Summit with Mitt Romney provides some eye-opening contrast on who truly lives their faith. Let's hope that Sean Hannity is able to re-discover his Catholicism there, and stop supporting Guiliani.
HT Family Research Council
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