In Long Island, we plan to have a contest among the Catholic high schools to see which student body can mobilize the greatest number of people to see Bella during opening weekend. (If you can help us to contact an administrator or faculty member at any of the Catholic high schools on Long Island, this would be a great help to us.) Fr. Roderick will also address youth ministers and teens about Bella and Eduardo's conversion story at the diocesan youth festival on Sept. 15 at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Eastport, NY.
There is still time to help, but we ask that you do it within the next two weeks, as Metanoia films would like to finalize plans for the Bella promotion in Long Island.
Please spread the word about Bella to everyone you can! Some suggestions for specific ways that people can help out are:
(1) Pray.
(2) Go and see Bella during opening weekend and bring 10+ people.
(3) Call local theaters and ask them to show Bella.
(4) Tell others we want to meet pastors and heads of Catholic high schools in order to mobilize large numbers of youth and parishioners to see Bella.
(5) Tell others we need people who can help with funds for Bella movie events.
Please feel free to e-mail me http://www.blogger.com/ I will be praying for all of you and our progress with this important and historical project. I truly believe that this film has the power to transform the Culture in our society by moving hearts.
Luciana (Long Island Coordinator of Bella publicity)
Will do my best..
Great, Jackie! Send me an email, and I'll send you some promotional brochures. Or you can go directly to www.bellathemovie.com
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