Monday, December 04, 2006

How to Keep Christ in Christmas

Today I got some good news from the dentist.
That awful pain in my jaw isn't from rotting teeth, it's from blogging!
Let me explain. I now spend hours every evening slouched over the keyboard, reading and writing, much of the time leaning my chin on my left hand. That, combined with my bad habit of clenching my jaw when frustrated has given me TMJ(translation, "jaw out of whack!")
He recommended aspirin for inflammation, and hot compresses for muscle aches. Simple, and oral surgery free!
Thank you Lord, for simple explanations!
My dentist, Dr. Savino, has the most awesome display of Nativity Scenes, from around the world in one of his office windows. The window next to the waiting room has an enchanting Christmas village complete with trains. My girls will be having their checkups tomorrow, timed for December to include a visit to the wonderful windows. Enjoy!

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