Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The reason for our hope

The Easter season is a time of renewal and hope. It had been a long winter, the dry and confused season in the Church during which I came of age. But the times, they were a changin'. Hope was on the rise, thanks to Pope John Paul II. We saw it on TV and we felt it at his huge rallies. We were inspired to change the world.

Colleen Carroll Campbell's book "The New Faithful" which she describes in her piece  in the National Catholic Register was one of the reasons for my hope when in the middle of the last decade, I was contemplating my role in what Pope John Paul II called the New Springtime of Evangelization. Reading her true life stories of young people doing extraordinary things due to the inspiration of a aging pontiff. resonated so closely with my own experience, that I decided that it was time to finally put that writing gift to use.

Here Colleen summarizes the impact of Pope John Paul on a generation of Catholics living in the ravaged of what he termed the 'Culture of Death':

Still, the soon-to-be Blessed John Paul planted seeds of faith, hope and love that have borne lasting fruit in this generation, fruit that will continue to ripen in the decades to come. As one young woman told a reporter at his funeral, “The Pope loved us enough to tell us the truth.” That truth is one that JP2 Catholics now want to proclaim to the world.

 I began to blog in 2006 and sound found that my voice found a home amongst like minded Catholics in the blogosphere, in fact, most Catholic bloggers would agree that they are the JPII generation. Thank you Colleen, for summing up in vivid description what so many of us felt in our hearts, but were hesitant to share. You, like Pope John Paul II have encouraged us to "be not afraid".

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