During the end of Pope John Paul's pontificate, my prayer group was blessed to have a writer for "The Wandererer" with extraordinary insight into the Church. He said, that if Pope Benedict were elected, he would be the pope of the liturgy as John Paul was the pope of the people. On 7/7/07 we saw the wonderful Motu Proprio freeing the Latin Mass from unnecessary restrictions, now we are about to see a new English translation of the Mass.
Catholic Culture says,
The new English translation of the Roman Missal-- hailed by Helen Hull Hitchcock of Adoremus as “accurate, reverent, and beautiful”-- will include texts and music for chants in English and Latin.
Having instilled a love for traditional hymns and chant, and Mass in the Extraordinary Form in my daughters, I haev been anxious to see the Mass restored to its ancient splendor in most parishes, so that others may realize just what they are witnessing when they attend Holy Mass.
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