Monday, August 16, 2010

My five favorite devotions

Patty in CT tagged me for this meme on my five favorite devotions.
They are:
1.Eucharistic Adoration; I have a 6PM slot at the Friary today, and its nearly five. Meeting Jesus face to face in the Blessed Sacrament is my greatest source of inspiration as a writer.
2. the rosary; brings my family together after a day going in many directions, reminds me of my Mother's love, and keeps me focused on the life of Christ.
3. singing traditional hymns like Salve Regina are a sure way to transport my heart and soul to heavenly realms, St Augustine said, "he who sings prays twice".
4. The Divine Mercy Chaplet; Although we always had dedication to this devotion and St Faustina,wer were amazed at the power of this was a tremendous source of peace when my mother died on 2:55 on a Friday, we prayed the Chaplet as a send off from this earth, and into the arms of our Jesus of Mercy.
5. Five first Saturdays; we began this practice as homeschoolers, and continue it with the community who gathers at The Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

I tag whoever wants to participate in this meme, just leave a comment to let me know you are joining in.

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PattyinCT said...

You're a good sport Leticia:) And judging your're a good Catholic too:) Hehehhe

Jack said...

Great Blog. Please see this Pro-Life artwork:

Margaret Sanger: Womb Lyncher