Sunday, August 09, 2009

UN Treaty on Disabled free of pro-abortion language; for now

Thanks to the valiant efforts of pro-lifers, like our friends Piero Tozzi and Austin Ruse at C-FAM, there is no language stating that abortion is a right of the disable, in fact the UN Treaty on the Disabled says the opposite.
"Take the Disabilities Convention. The term was debated extensively, and it was clear throughout negotiations that "sexual and reproductive health" did not include abortion. This was recognized repeatedly by the Chairman, who said that no new rights -- and specifically no right to abortion -- were created. Indeed, the official report of the proceedings stated that "this phrase was not intended to alter or prejudice the general policies of governments," thus acknowledging that countries are free to keep their laws protecting the unborn in place.
At least 15 nations made statements that the phrase did not create a right to abortion. The US in its closing statement affirmed that the term "cannot be interpreted to constitute support, endorsement, or promotion of abortion."

But we must remain vigilant, as there are many UN committees with anti-life agendas.
Read the entire article at MercatorNet.
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