Actually, abortion is the single most avoidable cause of breast cancer. . . this is consistently denied by the breast cancer fundraising establishment
No, that doesn't mean that most women who have an abortion will get breast cancer, or that most women who get breast cancer have had an abortion. It just means that the effect of abortion is so strong that choosing abortion even once causes a measurable increase in breast cancer risk. Contrast this to, say, taking hormone replacement therapy or the pill, where it takes years of daily use—thousands of pills—to make a measurable difference in risk. In a normal pregnancy, a woman is exposed to far more estrogen—which stimulates the multiplication of breast cells—than any pills or normal cycles provide. If the pregnancy is not allowed to go to term (or at least 32 weeks gestation), a woman is left with more places for cancer to start. But a full-term pregnancy matures the breast tissue into cells which can make milk, but can no longer multiply. So a full-term pregnancy leaves a woman's breasts with fewer places for cancer to start, and permanent protection against breast cancer.

1 comment:
Joel Brind, president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, sends me a newsletter. In today's mail the report reports on the scientific fraud hiding the link between induced abortion and breast cancer. There is a very detailed downloadable report on how to reduce one's chances of contracting breast cancer on the website www.bcpinstitute.org, toll free phone is 866-622-6237
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