“First, let me say I have appreciated that Catholics led in the pro-life issue and were firm on this even before the Baptists. Before the Baptists really started taking a strong position on the sanctity of life, I was a part of an organization called "Southern Baptists for Life" which was launched to move our denomination to a more consistent pro-life position."
I just love the humility and honesty of this statement, as well as the pithiness of this one,
In short, if I held any animosity toward Catholics, I don't think Justice Scalia would have ever taken me up on my invitations to go duck hunting.
You have a point, there, Huck!
HT Spirit Daily
I like the way Huckabee responds to difficult and controversial questions. He seems to be honest and humble, too, unlike many politicians.
I'm also supporting Huckabee. I don't understand why more conservative Catholics are not backing him, and I'm very upset with Brownback for suporting McCain. My gut told me to support Huckabee even over Brownback and now I know why.
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