Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friends of late term abortionist LeRoy Carhart

I emailed the landlord of Dr Carhart to ask him to terminate the lease for his later term abortion business. and two women were asked to write me emails and question my objections. He moved from Nebraska to Germantown, Maryland when late term abortion holocaust came to an end in that state.He is currently under investigation by the Board of Health in the state of Maryland.

Now pro-life people are protesting Dr Carhart's killing field by peacefully holding prayer vigils and contacting his landlord, entreperneuer Todd Stave .The group "Kick Carhart out of Maryland" has pertinent information about his evil practice on their website.

Todd Stave
11403 Spice Oak Terrace
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 217-0830

Here are the notes and my replies It is interesting to note that my first correspondent, who calls herself "Charlotte Taft": lives in New Mexico. All emphases are mine. My comments are in red.

From: Charlotte Taft
Dear Leticia,
 In a world where there is so much anger and bitterness it is always wonderful when people who see things so differently can still recognize that they are all part of the same human family. Thank you so much for your prayers for the Staves. I will continue my prayers until they see the light.

I understand that you don't agree,
but I believe with all my heart that Dr. Carhart is doing good compassionate work that saves women's lives.

It appears that DL has given you some incorrect information with regard to their legal rights. Do you support the protests they have been organizing with graphic signs in front of middle schools? Does that represent the kind of love you want to be expressing? Telling the truth in love is rarely popular, but it must be done.

To paraphrase a wonderful quote about fear tactics, "Just because you have frightened a woman into silence doesn't mean you have converted her."
I hope you might come to respect a woman whose conscience is just as strong and precious as yours, but tells her a different story about the most responsible way to live her life.

I'll send prayers to you that your heart may be touched and your eyes may be opened.
Sincerely,Charlotte Taft

Dear Charlotte,

Tearing a child limb from limb is legal but it is no way moral.

So many couples are waiting to adopt a child, and yet selfish women would rather rip a viable child's arms and legs off their body than give that child a couple more months of shelter, give birth, and give them up.
I will never understand this.
I don't care if women are frightened out of doing this, if they don't have respect for the lives of others, they may need to be frightened out of something evil like abortion. We frighten men out of homicide by jail time and the death penalty. How is murdering an innocent baby any different?
I am a teacher of adolescents.
Middle school children today watch horror films with graphic dismemberings, see Holocaust films in school with bulldozers pushing emaciated corpses in the death camps, so they need to see what Dr Carhart is doing for money in their neighborhood. They need to be educated on the modern day atrocities LeRoy Carhart is committing in their own neighborhood.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."Edmund Burke
I would not have been quiet during the Holocaust, or during slavery, so how can I refrain from telling you the truth now?

Its an act of mercy in my Church to admonish the sinner, we are hoping you will abandon your sin, repent and accept the mercy which Christ extends to you.

I am still praying for your conversion and that of the abortionist. Dr Bernard Nathanson presided over the deaths of 60,000 infants, saw what he was doing on a sonogram, repented, converted to Catholicism and died in the peace of Christ.
I wish the same for Dr Carhart and you, Charlotte. Give it up, before you face our Savior with this abomination staining your immortal soul.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,

Leticia Velasquez

The second email is from Kathryn Ranieri.

From: Kathryn ranieri

Good morning,
I'm writing you, Leticia, to ask you to think about what you are doing.

Our Creator has given us inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We are given the gift of life, you and me, and the free will to chose. Yet, you and your prolife cohorts want to deny Todd Stave's right to choose how he lives his life.As long as he doesn't aid and abet murder, we won't get involved in his morality.
You want to deny his children and their school mates the right to choose how they live. No we want to educate them about the atrocities committed in Todd Stave's building, by LeRoy Carhart.
You want to deny Todd Stave’s right as an American citizen to legal business transactions. Yet, your campaign against Todd Stave hurts your cause.

You offer prayers of concern for Todd and his family and for Dr. Leroy Carhart and I thank you for those prayers. But, as a Christian, I'm asking you to show compassion for children in Stave’s middle school, respect for the humanity of Stave and Carhart, and trust in the wisdom of those with whom you don’t fully know. I'm asking for you to think about what Jesus would do. I faithfully believe he would not engage in a vengeful stalking campaign against God's children.

For your consideration,
Kate Ranieri
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Oscar Wilde

Oh, yes it is, Jesus is" the Way the Truth and the Life"

Dear Kathryn,
Jesus would warn you that your immortal soul is in danger of hell fire. He would tell you of his mercy, and that if you continue to support evil, you will shut yourself off from Him.
Jesus would remind you that tearing a child limb from limb is legal but it is no way moral.
So many couples are waiting to adopt a child, and yet selfish women would rather rip a viable child's arms and legs off their body than give that child a couple more months of shelter, give birth, and give them up.
I will never understand this.
I am a teacher of adolescents.

Middle school children today watch horror films with graphic dismemberings, see Holocaust films in school with bulldozers pushing emaciated corpses in the death camps, so they need to see what Dr Carhart is doing for money in their neighborhood. They need to be educated on the modern day atrocities LeRoy Carhart is committing in their own neighborhood.

I would not have been quiet during the Holocaust, or during slavery, so how can I refrain from telling you the truth now? Its an act of mercy in my Church to admonish the sinner, we are hoping you will abandon your sin, repent and accept the mercy which Christ extends to you.
I am still praying for your conversion and that of the abortionist. Dr Bernard Nathanson presided over the deaths of 60,000 infants, saw what he was doing on a sonogram, repented, converted to Catholicism and died in the peace of Christ.
I wish the same for Dr Carhart and you, Kathryn. Give it up, before you face our Savior with this abomination staining your immortal soul.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Leticia Velasquez

Note the misuse of the terms compassion, rights and intimidation to demonized peaceful protesters who are within their First Amendment rights. The prevailing error in these women's writing is their moral confusion, and their relativism. If all truths are equal, ladies, why should I believe your truth? Isn't mine just as valid?

The most shameless tactic is the misuse of Our Lord's will when Kate asks me, what would Jesus do? Christian churches are in a sad state when members can believe that Jesus would favor the brutal killing of an innocent in the womb.May God have mercy on them, these women, Todd Stave, and Dr Carhart.
We continue to lift them up in prayer.
Tuesday Sept 13 UPDATE: 
The fan mail continues, this one from Ohio. I think Feministing or NARAL has asked for volunteers to respond to me.
From: lt lt

Dear Leticia,

I'm writing to thank you for your recent email concerning the location
of Dr. Carhart's practice. There are a few misunderstandings that
clearly need to be addressed.

The group Defend Life seems to be under the impression that if enough
people call/write, the owner of this building can remove Dr. Carhart
from the premises. That is not accurate, and not going to happen. Dr.
Carhart performs life saving abortions at a later gestation in
extenuating circumstances such as fetal anomaly or a threat to the
life of the mother, under the guidelines of Maryland law, and as such
is legally protected. The owner of the building would be breaking the
law were he to follow Defend Life's request and try to evict Dr.
Carhart without cause.

Defend Life seems to be at the very least misguided in it's protests
at a local middle school, with large signs that are not only graphic
and inappropriate, but that contain the personal information of a
child's father, putting the well-being of the child at great risk by
anyone wishing to cause harm, and also at risk from peers wishing to
bully. Is this in accordance with a Pro-Life stance that purports to
care for children?

I ask that you please also keep Defend Life in your prayers, as they
must be lost to carry out such actions.


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