Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Taxpayers in Pennsylvania will pay for abortions under Obamacare

The Honorable Henry Hyde, God rest him, is known as a great Catholic politician. He is responsible for the Hyde Amendment which bans all Federal Funding of Abortion. Until now.
Now thanks to another so called Catholic politician, Bart Stupak, federal funds will be used to fund abortions.  Federal funding of $160 million for a so called "high risk" program will be disbursed from Obamacare to PA abortions.
Though Stupak's support for Obamacare was based on an executive order which supposedly banned the funding of abortions, pro-lifers knew it wasn't real, just a paper promise which has already been broken.
Life Site News says,
"Although an earlier version of the health care legislation prevented federal funds from subsidizing abortion, that protection was not included in the bill signed into law. Although the president's Executive Order regarding funding for abortion was touted as the solution, the White House later admitted the Order simply "reiterated" what was already in the bill. Nonetheless, the mainstream media continues to portray the Executive Order as having effectively blocked federal funds for abortion."

States may opt into this high risk pool which denies that it pays for elective abortions, but fails to define elective. It seems that the only abortions which won't be covered is sex selection abortions. IF the woman says that is why she is seeking abortion. My guess is that counselors will cleverly guide women into saying the right things to get their free abortions. Just like they do in Lila Rose's undercover films at Planned Parenthood, when minors are coached to cover up for statutory rape.
As a result, "Under the Rendell-Sebelius plan, federal funds will subsidize coverage of abortion performed for any reason, except sex selection," said NRLC's Johnson. "The Pennsylvania proposal conspicuously lacks language that would prevent funding of abortions performed as a method of birth control or for any other reason, except sex selection - and the Obama Administration has now approved this."
Don't be fooled by the coverup. If you live in the USA and pay taxes, they are about to go up. When they do, you can be sure that some of that money will be killing babies in Pennsylvania. Thanks to a Catholic politican and Catholic nuns, Sr Carol Keehan and her liberal cohorts who signed the pro-Obamacare petition.
Baby killing made possible by Catholics. Shame on us!
Sign Catholic Vote's petition. asking Sr Keehan to support the Protect Life Act. Let her redeem herself before she goes down in history as the Catholic sister who has blood on her hands.
Thankfully Archbishop Burke has been appointed to the Congregation for Divine Worship. This is the Vatican Office which will decide who may receive Communion. I would suggest to His Excellency that the beforementioned Catholics be first on his list of whom to bar from Communion.
Read about the Archbishop's appointment here.
Read the entire story at Life Site News.
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1 comment:

L.P. said...

That can't be right.