1. Being an advocate for my daughter with Down Syndrome. Yes, Christina is 5, but it took the first year for me to adjust to her unique needs, and once I felt that we had begun to meet them, it struck me how little the world understands individuals with Down syndrome. This new activity has introduced me to some great families!
2. Blogging- this has the potential to morph into it's own post! I've been blogging since Oct 2006, and to say my life has changed is a gross understatement. I will be presenting at the Society of Catholic Social Scientists Conference this October on the social impact of blogging. Part of that presentation will include how blogging has literally exploded my world in all directions. More to come.
3. Horseback riding with the whole family-We have gone trail riding in Vermont, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. We want to try riding up in Canada this summer. Christina took adaptive horseback riding in pre-school, but wasn't ready to mount a horse in the Blue Ridge Mountains this April. Maybe she will this summer.
4.Camping with a trailer as a family-this is more difficult than you think, as we are more citified than we let on. We don't like bugs, and muddy feet, and emptying that yucky tube you-know-where. If you don't know what I mean, go watch RV. Those guys that come to watch and offer suggestions when you're completely clueless really are helpful. And you gotta love that campground camaraderie.

Four things I would like to try in the next four years:
1. Europe- I travelled cheaply throughout Europe when I was single. I would like to take the girls to visit the Holy Father in Rome, staying in convents. This depends on the ability of Christina to adjust to new surroundings, and new cuisine, and none of us to get terribly homesick. Then, of course, there's the airfare.
Maybe in the next 8 years!
2.Skiing as a family- I've looked into adaptive skiing schools in Vermont for Christina, but taking stock of this family's skiing experience, I think we could ALL use a special class!
3. Owning a Farm-Isabella, Francisco, and I long for this. Of course, we'd have to convince Gabbi first. (We were thinking of just moving while she's away at college, and sending her the address.) Christina would love anything with animals. Our dogs would love the freedom. Our cats would love the mice. Would we be able to cope with the black flies?
4. Working as a Freelance Writer-This is a goal I'm pursuing steadily here on the blog, and I have a couple of projects cooking. I like working from home, the hours are flexible, and you don't have to get dressed. Plus, here at the Velasquez home, there's plenty of material for humor!
I tag anyone who would like to play.
Leticia, have you read the article about farming families in the latest issue of the Franciscan U at Steubenville? I haven't yet but my sister recommends it.
It sounds interesting, I'll look it up, Esther.
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