Saturday, June 02, 2012

Lessons Learned from "For Greater Glory"

  There's a thoughtful meditation on "For Greater Glory" over at Ignatium Today blog. (spoiler alert)
  a friendship forms between the priest and the boy. One day, José asks Father Christopher why he doesn’t go into hiding like many of the other priests. He tells the boy how God will watch over him in His house. The boy continues to insist, only for the priest to conclude, “There is no greater glory than to give your life for Christ.”  These words impress José very much.
The young man witnesses the priests martyrdom and is inspired to join the Cristeros fight for religious freedom and to martyrdom. And I mused, that the good inspired by Fr Christopher's example continued to inspire in the film.
 After Jose died, General Gorostieta confessed just in time to meet Our Lord, right after angrily asking Fr Vega the purpose of Jose’s death.  Fr Vega told the General about how God can turn tragedy into triumph.Just as He did with the Cross of Christ.

So, the legacy of Fr Christopher set off a chain of grace filled events, saving souls, giving witness to Christ, and winning partial victory for religious freedom.
This is the normal way priests work in the Church, one which our priests are too seldom given credit for, since this everyday action of grace has been overshadowed in the public eye by the sin of a handful of priests.

We should thank the Fr Christophers in our parish for their preaching and example, and perhaps buy them a movie ticket!
For more information about Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio look at this website. 

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