Heres a reason to avoid Borders Bookstore for your Christmas shopping; they support the corruption of children. And if you have an IPhone, let Apple know how you feel about the outrage of boycotting the Manhattan Declaration.
from Peter Wolfgang at the Family Institute of Conncecticut:

from Peter Wolfgang at the Family Institute of Conncecticut:
Bearing Witness to a Hostile Culture Two events this week demonstrate what the pro-family movement is up against in the fight fortraditional values. The first event was the decision by Apple to pull the Manhattan Declaration's app from its iPhone andiTunes app store because a small group of protesters deemed it anti-gay. The Manhattan Declarationis a non-partisan statement of conscience in defense of human life, traditional marriage and religious freedom issued by Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant leaders and signed by almost half a million people. The Declaration is a model of respectful dialogue, devoid of name-calling. But Apple is allowing "one side [to] shut down the opposing side in a debate by slandering their opponents with prejudicial labels such as 'bigot' or 'homophobe.'" The very people who claim to champion tolerance are ejecting from public life anyone who disagrees with their agendas. The second event occurred here in Connecticut. True Colors, the gay advocacy group that "mentors" children by teaching them that the Bible approves of homosexual activity, has announced a new partnership with Borders Bookstore. In five Connecticut towns on seven dates in December, True Colors will wrap shoppers' gifts and the tips from those shoppers will go to support True Colors. Apple's action against the Manhattan Declaration and Borders' support of True Colors is a case study in how the culture seeks to punish those who adhere to traditional values while rewarding those who oppose values. Worse, the culture is discouraging rational statements rooted in faithful biblical witness while encouraging a group that teaches a revisionist view of Christianity to Connecticut's children. This is not just religion being pushed out of the public square, "Happy Holidays" replacing "Merry Christmas." This is a culture that is seeking to replace one religion with another. The Family Institute of Connecticut is engaging that culture here in our home-state. Peter Wolfgang's Hartford Courant op-ed is still being talked up and generating letters to the editor two weeks after it was published. We appear frequently on talk radio and other public speaking venues around the state--and we are having an impact! Even our opponents think they are seeing us everywhere: check outthe comments thread in this article (particularly Tessa Marquis)! |

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