Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The damage done by JFK

I wrote here about the near worship Catholics gave John F Kennedy in the 1960's which was extended to Robert and Teddy, even down to Patrick and Maria Shriver. Was this adulation warranted? Did JFK erect more barriers than he smashed by promising to seperate his personal Catholic beliefs from his political career becoming the first Catholic president?
Archbishop Charles Chaput, in this address to Houston Baptist Univeristy says "yes".
Fifty years ago this fall, in September 1960, Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Democratic candidate for president, spoke to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association. He had one purpose. He needed to convince 300 uneasy Protestant ministers, and the country at large, that a Catholic like himself could serve loyally as our nation’s chief executive. Kennedy convinced the country, if not the ministers, and went on to be elected. And his speech left a lasting mark on American politics. It was sincere, compelling, articulate – and wrong. Not wrong about the patriotism of Catholics, but wrong about American history and very wrong about the role of religious faith in our nation’s life. And he wasn’t merely “wrong.” His Houston remarks profoundly undermined the place not just of Catholics, but of all religious believers, in America’s public life and political conversation. Today, half a century later, we’re paying for the damage.

It's time for faithful Christians to ignore the false barrier between Church and State erected by Justice Black in 1947, and enage fully in the political process. Our morals and character are urgently needed as salt and light  in a culture of death which is rapidly becoming a totalitarian aetheist state.
Obama talks about the familiar Christian principles of charity and love of neighbor, but his actions belie his words. His administration is promoting abortion, homosexuality, alienation of children from their parents, barring poor children from good schools,  as the schoolteachers move into the role of moral guides, and, perhaps most ominous of all, his administration is intimidating those who would protest. Remember David Axelrod's list of those who are speaking against the health care plan? I signed up, and I hope you did. We Christians need to be on record at times like these as opponents of such draconian tactics. Yes, it may cost us, but someday we will have to face the Just Judge who has entrusted us to live in times like these for a reason.
Its an uphill battle and it hurts more when seedy politicans like Nancy Pelosi lie to the bishops saying there is no funding of abortion in the health care bill. Or when she asks legislators to pass it "to find out what's in it". But we are living in the Church militant, and while 500 Christians are being hacked to death in Nigeria by militant Muslims, staging an ongoing protest to abortion funding and moral decline is a comparatively small burden.
Call your Representatives and tell them you oppose the health care bill as it stands, supporting abortion.

Read the entire speech on MercatorNet.

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