Thursday, December 04, 2008

USCCB Film reviewer Harry Forbes at it again

Thanks to Harry Forbe's lack of understanding or respect for Catholic teaching on sexuality, I am in the movie review business. That's why I started Catholic Media Review, and why it's getting me noticed not only on Google, but on Catholic online, MercatorNet, Reuters, The Chicago Sun-Times, "The Wanderer", and Catholic Exchange. Thanks, Harry! Now, I wish I made half his salary, which of course is paid by the faithful. I usually work for nothing.
He's at it again with his review of "Milk" about homosexual San Francicso city council member Harvey Milk.
The movie, which exalts the first openly homosexual man elected to public office in U.S. history, Harvey Milk, contains scenes of "male kissing and nongraphic encounters, rear male nudity, murder, suicide, and some rough language, crude expressions and profanity" by Forbes' own admission.
Despite such material, and despite the movie's blatant glorification of the homosexual rights agenda, it is not rated "Morally Offensive" (O), but only receives a rating of "L", for "Limited Adult Audience." Furthermore, in his review Forbes in no way objects to or cautions viewers about the content of the film, instead offering nothing but words of praise.

Read the entire story at Life Site News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Venerable sister! When will we Catholics collectively be able to knock this guy out of the box. And WHAT IS IT with the Catholic hierarchy and homosexuality anyway?

vty LepantoDad on Long Island!