Monday, March 18, 2013

Will Pope Francis be a Liberal or Conservative Pope?

I just watched a round table discussion headed by Chris Matthews with his type of Catholics who are enamored of the symbolism of Pope Francis's actions; taking the bus, walking through the streets to shake hands, etc . They are comfortable as most liberals are with the preferential option for the poor and are hoping against hope that Pope Francis will not be "all about sex as the two previous popes were". They obviously have not been listening to his words where he calls abortion a death penalty and said we should oppose it even if it means being persecuted. Or his assertion that children have a right to a mother and a father, which landed him a rebuke from Argentina's pro-gay marriage president Christina Fernandez de Kirchner. He is outspoken about the travesty of Catholic politicians who vote pro-abortion and present themselves for Holy Communion.
 Our new holy father lives in poverty and defends the rights of the poor, but is very bold in speaking the truth to power.  HuffPo gets it.

Pope Francis is a conservative who is anti-gay marriage and anti-gay adoption. He has described same-sex marriage as the work of the devil and a “destructive attack on God’s plan.” He has also said that gay adoption is a form of discrimination against children.
But Chris Matthews still thinks by wishing out loud he can influence the millenia old teachings of Christ which the Holy Father is entrusted with. His role is to explain Christianity to each generation in language which helps them to accept it, but some people are more open to learning than others. 
Keep dreaming that you can throw a coin or two at the poor Chris Matthews and continue to live in sexual sin without the Pope's loving correction. But also remember you capitalist types, this pope will challenge your crass materialism. Catholicism has no political party. It is an equal opportunity offender. May this be the Pope make both conservatives and liberals move beyond their comfort zones to encounter Christ, the real Christ, not the one they created in their own likeness. 

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

"The Catholic Church wants women to be raped"

You've heard it before, the Pope wants millions to die of AIDS in Africa because he won't condone condoms, the Church protects pedophiles, the Pope resigned because he was about to be arrested. Lies, lies and more lies.They can't make up enough terrible things about the Church to erase her brave stand for morality and human dignity. 
Well, here is the latest lie about the Church coming from the UN and the truth C-FAM director Austin Ruse wants you to know. 

New reports rocketed around the world yesterday saying the Vatican is working with Russia and Iran to stop protections for women in violent situations. They are implying that the Catholic Church does not care about violence against women.
There is a very important meeting going on at the UN right now called the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The purpose of the meeting is to write a document that will later be "ratified" by the UN General Assembly.
This meeting, called the CSW, is always the scene of much maliciousness, often directed at unborn children. The meeting is packed with 6,000 radical feminist activists.
The radicals are reporting, and this has been picked up by the mainstream press, that the Holy See is in cahoots with Iran and Russia to stymie efforts to protect women from violence. The purpose of these false charges is quite clear; it is to hurt the Church and her negotiating position in the current negotiations.
What is really going on is the Vatican is attempting to take abortion-related language out of the document. The Vatican is working with a number of states to remove "reproductive rights" from the document.

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Monday, March 04, 2013

Cardinal Sandri calls for larger role for women in the Catholic Church

Women in the priesthood comments are found throughout the media, voiced largely by outsiders to the Catholic Church, either non-Catholics or those who have willingly distanced themselves from the Church, so when I read this headline, my visceral reaction was negative.
"They must have a much more important role in the life of the Church ... so that they can contribute to Church life in so many areas which are now, in part, open only to men ... This will be a challenge for us in the future," added the 69-year-old cardinal, who was interviewed in his office just outside St Peter's Square 

Why should women ask for a ministerial role in the Church; I bristled, what's the matter with the role of life giver and primary educator to future priests? But upon closer reading of the Cardinal's remarks, I softened my tone a bit. He was not suggesting that the Church open the priesthood or even the diaconate to women.
Women deserve to have more key positions in the Vatican administration "where they can make a very important contribution because of their qualifications," Sandri said, adding, "But they must also be co-participants in the dialogue and the analysis of the life of the Church and in (other) areas, even in the formation of priests, where they can play a very, very important role."
Currently, women in the Catholic Church cannot go beyond the position of under-secretary in Vatican departments, the number three post after president and secretary – which are open only to ordained men. At present, only two women are under-secretaries, one a nun and one a lay woman.
It must first be addressed that a majority of the women who have risen to positions of authority in the Church tend to be opposed to an all male priesthood, and the Church's moral teaching, they are largely feminist nuns or laywomen. They  have created a tension in the Church between factions which has not been a means of blessing to put it charitably. A priest friend reported that, while in the seminary, he was subjected to an art show containing obscene images of Our Lady and, when he refused to applaud such an outrage, he was promptly informed that his ordination was in jeopardy by the feminist behind the shameful display.
 This abuse of power by women in the Church is the reason orthodox Catholic women automatically reject the idea of a larger role for women in the Church. Well meaning bishops have allowed such dangerous women to assume leadership of many religious orders and diocesan offices. Catechism and adult faith formation have been deconstructed,  not to mention the decimation of religious orders, Catholic healthcare, and Catholic schools.We saw a sister in charge of the major conglomerate of Catholic hospitals sign on to Obamacare which we know contains mandatory funding and provision of contraception and abortion.

 We who joyfully embrace our Church for her exaltation of the role of women and veneration of the Blessed Virgin as a role model, are often too busy maintaining our Domestic Churches to take on larger roles in the Church. But the Internet can change that, as this blog proves.
 Women who embrace the doctrines of the Catholic Church are speaking out from the keyboards in our homes and, I believe are making a difference in what is said about the Church in the public square. We are giving testimony to the truth of papal documents our feminist forebears reviled for decades, like Humanae Vitae. We are testifying to the joys of family life lived in accordance with the fullness of truth found in the Catholic Church. We love our Church and want to strengthen her.  We have a lot to offer seminarians and even the Vatican, and, in increasing numbers, the Vatican is calling us to offer our experience and opinions. . I  know several women who attended Vatican conferences on women, the family, and social communication.  Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, Lisa Hendey, Elizabeth Scalia, Mary Rice Hasson, Teresa Tomeo, Dr Janet E Smith, Helen Alvare, Pia Solemni, and Kathryn Lopez to name a few. These women and other dynamic women of faith write articles and books, appear on Catholic and secular media, and form the bulwark of the feminine contribution to the New Evangelization.
If the cardinals want to invite women to contribute to the administration of the Church and to offer guidance on what should be part of priestly formation, then I am most enthusiastically in favor of such women having a larger role in the Church. Why wouldn't I, when I began writing seven years ago in order to be a voice in support of the New Evangelization and the Culture of Life? I edited a book,  "A Special Mother is Born"  a collection of 34 stories from Catholic moms (and some dads) on how their children with special needs are blessings for their families, in hopes of addressing Catholic medical personnel, adminstrators, teachers, counselors,  and clergy to help guide them in their ministries to such families.
Our Lord spent the great majority of His life living with his closest family member, the Blessed Mother. She was his first teacher, and set into motion His first public miracle; the changing of water into wine at Cana. May she guide His Body, the Church into accepting women of strong, orthodox beliefs as adminstrators and advisors to help Holy Mother Church develop her quality of maternal tenderness for all her members.
Read the entire article from The Christian Post here. 

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Prayer for the Conclave to Elect Our New Pope


Heavenly Father, We the People of God, gathered in solidarity as did the disciples in the Upper Room, pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the cardinals who will be in conclave for the election of the next Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May the hearts of our cardinals be open to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, beyond human judgment, to elect the candidate most pleasing to you, Heavenly Father, and who will guide the Church at this momentous time in history at the beginning of the Third Millennium. We invoke our Mother Mary, united in prayer with the disciples in the Upper Room, to intercede for the cardinals to select the next Holy Father in docility to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, her divine Spouse, Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, we entrust this conclave to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, and offer these prayers for your guidance and protection over the choosing of the next Vicar of your Son.
One Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be

St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
~Pray for us

St. Peter
~Pray for us

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